
Friday, December 23, 2011

How Does a Short Menstrual Cycle Affect Getting Pregnant?

Q: What is a very small period, short period is relatively short, then the pregnancy will cause problems?

A: menstruation is formed by the endometrium, if the lining is too thin, too little may be the reason, this may affect the pregnancy, like farming, like a thin layer of land is a kind of no crops.

Normal menstrual cycle, significantly reduced by the amount, or shorten the menstrual period less than two days, called after a few months. Generally believed that after less than 30 ml, equivalent to Western medicine menstruation in menstrual scarce. The disease is often a precursor to the performance of amenorrhea.

In the case of oral contraceptives or intramuscular injectable contraceptives lead after a few months, should be discontinued.

After a few months of diagnosis, generally refers to the continuous occurrence of two or more. If menstruation has always been normal, suddenly after a few months, should pay attention to whether a sign of early pregnancy miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or the performance of a small amount of vaginal bleeding, the examination must be done to identify further.
Menstrual blood is too small to be vigilant
Under normal circumstances, a menstrual bleeding is about 60 ml, less than 30 ml for too little, more than 80 ml for too much. How do you know if your menstrual flow normal? In general, the amount of each cycle of not more than two packets (8 / bag), if more than three packs, and each piece is wet, in the case of menorrhagia; if every time a packet is less than, And every little piece of the blood, in the case after a few months, these two cases are considered abnormal.

In general, less blood is due to low estrogen levels caused. Estrogen can stimulate the proliferation of endometrial thickening, in preparation for the pregnancy. If you do not become pregnant, will shed endometrial hyperplasia formation of menstrual bleeding. Low levels of estrogen can cause endometrial hyperplasia was not thick enough, less menstrual bleeding, this will affect future pregnancy.

But soon after menarche girls, estrogen secretion has not reached the equilibrium steady state, it is generally not more than by the blood, and sometimes earlier and sometimes wrong then menstruation is normal. However, when emotional stress, environmental change, or psychological pressures, or sudden changes in his stimulus, are likely to lead to a temporary endocrine disorders, so that changes in estrogen secretion, the increase or decrease by the blood, as long as more than temporary factors disappear, menstruation can be restored to normal.

Another situation is caused by malnutrition. Some girls are picky eaters, the partial eclipse of the habit, the body emaciated; deliberately to lose weight and reduce food intake, leading to nutrient supply is not enough. However, the rapid physical development of puberty, the heavy task of learning activities and a large amount to consume more energy, need adequate nutrition and calories, if the absorption of nutrients insufficient to meet the needs of the body, the body defensive reactions, may also cause The blood is too small, or even amenorrhea. This situation not only causes the uterus and other reproductive system dysplasia, lay hidden for future risk of infertility, and would lead to a decline in systemic immune function.

Stable if the menstrual cycle continued through the blood is too small, but not because of nutritional deficiencies caused by, also found that physical development is not ideal, such as breasts, buttocks uplift is not obvious, we must heighten our vigilance, go to the hospital as soon as possible estrogen levels. Found that estrogen also find reasons for the low low, mostly due to disease caused by the endocrine system. Find out the cause for treatment, under the guidance of doctors estrogen replacement, is the ability to change the menstrual status.