
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Reasons Causing Endometritis

Endometritis caused by reasons which: endometritis is a common gynecological inflammation, damage to the health of women a great, easy to recurrent endometrial great impact on female fertility, will be too thick or too thin affect the ability of the fertilized egg's implantation. So the reason causing endometritis, what does?

Experts pointed out that the endometritis caused by many reasons, find endometritis should go to regular hospital treatment because of endometrial implantation of fertilized eggs can affect the ability, if there is inflammation, then, will women fertility some impact. Endometrial inflammation was mainly due to edema, congestion situation, continue to be infiltration of inflammatory cells. Endometritis occurred mainly in patients with fever, bloody vaginal discharge increased vaginal discharge or other symptoms, abdominal pain will appear, some of the uterus may be, somewhat larger, then the uterus will have pain. Endometritis if serious, will be further developed to the uterus myositis, salpingitis and pelvic inflammatory disease, and so on.